Friday, May 23, 2008

Signs of Polio and Treatment for it

There are really no actual symptoms for 95% of Polio victims. But cases that do show symptoms are called symptomatic polio. In this form ofpolio there are three main illnesses that appear. One is called abortive Polio which is a mild form. There sickness is basically just a mild flu so most people with this type dont even really know they have it. A more serious form is called nonparalytic polio this is associated with aspetic meningitis with this form you get sensitivity to light and neck stiffness. A very sever case is called paralytic polio but this only occurs in every 0.1% to 0.2% of cases. People with abortive polio usually make a full recovery but it causes your muscles to become paralized and can result in death. Back then at the hieght of Polio they would place victims of the epidimic in a iron lung. In some countries iron lungs are still used.

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